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Future Pinball is a real time Pinball Development System. It allows you to design and play your very own pinball simulation in True real time 3D. It uses Advanced Physics to provide the best possible Simulation of a true to life pinball machine.


Future Pinball


Future Pinball has been around for many years. It is a platform that allows creators to build tables without using ROMS.

The Development for future Pinball. Unfortunately Future Pinball development stopped in 2010. There are excellent tables on Future Pinball. Some very good table designers like Terry Red, SlamTilt , Shiva , Ravarcade and many more are breath taking. 


A major game changer to Future Pinball is the amazing work from Ravarcade, Creator of BAM ( Better Arcade Mode ). The freeware is available to download for free and are a must in order to run any modern FP tables. Ravarcade also offers an installer for Future Pinball and BAM. This will optimize the perspective of your game play. 



BAM features


  • Future Pinball bugs fixed

  • Light settings

  • Per-pixel lighting New Rendering

  • Camera settings (work in progres)

  • Post-processing effects (blur, gamma correction, brightness, saturation)

  • Plugin system

  • Improved high scrore (values above 2 billions)

  • New features on tables (custom game rooms, custom balls, animated mini-playfields)

  • Physics settings defined per table

  • ... all for free, BAM is Freeware


BAM for pinball cabinet

  • BAM view - perspective calculated for viewer eyes position

  • Head-tracking - best way to recreate impression of real pinball machine (see video on top)

  • Stereo 3D - many glasses and display types supported

  • Easy to setup table position/size, back-box position/size

  • Few special effects designed for cabs


BAM for VR

  • All main VR headset supported: Occulus Rift, HTC Vive, phone headset thru OpenVR and RiftCat

  • Room scale and sitting




How to section

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